The Wall Game Of Thrones Quotes

Here are the most iconic and memorable quotes from the show.
The wall game of thrones quotes. Tywin lannister. Game of thrones the most popular tv series has given us a lot of memorable quotes throughout. The hardest part of game of thrones is there is so much incredible talent bouncing off the walls that you ll actually miss some of them and not getting it is very intimidating. That s how they became powerful in the first place.
They hate you because you act like you re better than they are they are four that you humiliated in the yard. Back against the wall. Balls to the wall. Tyrion lannister.
Here s our collection of the best game of thrones quotes. Tyrion may be the finest wordsmith in westeros but he isn t the only one. Power resides where men believe it resides. The powerful have always preyed on the powerless.
A lion doesn t concern himself with the opinions of a sheep. In the context of game of thrones daenerys took the fact that her brother viserys burned when khal drogo poured a vat of molten gold over his head as proof that he was not a real targaryen.