Nelson Mandela Long Walk To Freedom Book Summary

Long walk to freedom is about mandela s journey from a young boy in the village of mvezo to becoming a young freedom fighter as the president of the african national congress and head of the anti apartheid movement.
Nelson mandela long walk to freedom book summary. Long walk to freedom the autobiography of nelson mandela describes the south african antiapartheid struggle from the perspective of one of its most important participants. Long walk to freedom is the autobiography of the first democratically elected president of south africa nelson mandela. Nelson mandela took the oath as the first black president. Niklas goeke self improvement.
Mandela rose to the leadership of the antiapartheid struggle to become one of the 20th century s most iconic world leaders. Summary of the chapter nelson mandela was born on july 18 1918. On may 10 1994 nelson mandela has taken the vow as the first black president of south africa. Nelson mandela committed his life to the morals he believed in.
In life every man has twin obligations. Soon he goes to clarkebury boarding institute in district of engcobo c. And therefore it was becoming a new born democratic country. Long walk to freedom is the autobiography of nelson mandela south african anti apartheid activist national icon and the first south african black president elected in the first fully democratic election in the country.
Long walk to freedom is the 1994 autobiography of nelson mandela detailing his ascent from an anti apartheid activist and robben island jailed terrorist to anc leader and a. Long walk to freedom. He is mocked as a country boy initially but becomes friends with mathona his first female friend. 1934 the highest institution of learning for africans in thembuland.
He began writing the book in prison in 1975 and it was published in 2004. He was the first south african president to be elected in a fully representative democratic election. The autobiography of nelson mandela tells the life story of south africa s first post apartheid president. Long walk to freedom summary in english a long to freedom by nelson mandela is all about the struggle of freedom of south africa.
Long walk to freedom by nelson mandela book review. And he has an obligation to his people his community and his country. Obligations to his family to his parents to his wife and children. The only memoir published during mandela s life the book is a testament to the greatness of the first black president of south africa.